
Friday, November 19, 2021


 Kia ora bloggers welcome back to term 4, on the last day of term 3 Paihia School had a pal day. I was one of the PALleaders so I didn’t get to do the other activities but I did get to run an activity. A Pal day is a day where e have different game  to play and teach, everyone starts at one game and rotates to the next.  I was in a duo with Alexandrea. Our game was called stuck in mud, if you don’t know what stuck in the mud is , it is where someone is a tagger and they have to go around a try tag everyone but if you get tagged you stand still with your legs apart so someone can crawl under them. I had lots of fun teaching and playing stuck in the mud with all the groups that came to us. It was sort of hard with one group because they wouldn’t listen  but in the end they listened to the instructions that we gave them. If we did it again I would want to teach the game dodgeball. If you don’t know what PAL mean it means Physical Activity Leader. 

Have you ever had a PAL day? . 

Friday, September 24, 2021

Scams and Phishing

 On the 21st of September Te Ngahere did a cybersmart challenge about scams and phishing, We got given photo’s of emails and pop up to decide if they were legit or fake.  Scams and Phishing is when someone tries to get personal information or tricks you into clicking something that is not what they say it is, it also means that if you share your personal details on the wrong site they can log into your account and access your personal information. You can tell if something is legit or fake by 1. Looking at the padlock on the top right corner of your screen and checking if it has a red line on it because If it does it means its not secure.   2. If you get a pop up it is always fake because It is just phishing for your personal information 3. Always check  their email address and see if something is off about it like Google spelt with zeros. To keep safe you always check if it is legit or fake and never give any site your personal details unless it is run by your teacher or adult.  It was hard to understand how to see if something is legit or fake so I asked someone to help me to understand. 

Can you identify if something is legit or fake? 

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Guess The Book

 During lockdown My friend Azure and I meet up on Google meets and created a guess the book slide for our class to guess. We made it because we thought that it would be harder than a guess the movie, some of the books are also movies. On our last lockdown Google meet I asked If I could still share the guess the book challenge because Azure wasn’t there. Our class loved the book challenge but they did find some of them hard. It was hard because we sort of struggled finding books that our class could guess but we didn’t give up. We used emojis to symbolize what book they were guessing. 

Do you think you’ll be good at guessing the books?  How many books do you think you will get right?

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Passion Project

 During Lockdown Te Ngahere  has been doing a really fun subject called passion project. Passion project is a subject where you come up with things you want to do and then work on them until you complete it. I came up with a lot of ideas for my passion project I have almost completed them all but I have one more to do. The first one was to bet my Mum in speed 2 times in a row and I did, I also completed making a lemon custard cake and using the cartoon filter on a phone. The hardest one to complete was beating Mum at speed but I never gave up and kept trying. I still have to bet my big brother in handball 2 times in a row.  

What would be your passion project? 

Monday, August 30, 2021

Lockdown Riddles!

 Last Friday during lockdown school Te Ngahere had a shared assembly, If you don’t know what I mean by that It is where we are allowed to share anything we want. I created a presentation to share with the class, my presentation was about riddles for everyone to solve I had a lot of riddles but one of them was tricky for the class apart from my big brother he guessed it straight away. Some people shared things and some people didn’t. My big brothers emoji movie guessing presentation was amazing. 

Do you know any riddles?  

Monday, August 23, 2021


 On Tuesday at 12pm it was pronounced that the whole of NZ was going into lockdown because Jacinda Ardern  our prime minister pronounced that we were going into  level 4 because there was another case of Covid-19. I was upset because I love going to school to see my friends and learn about new things everyday but when I saw we were doing online work I was really excited because I still got to work. I watched the news on Thursday to see what was going on with Covid-19  and I think that we will be in lockdown for another couple of days because there were more cases of Covid. Everyday e have google hangout with the class at 10:00 am and 2:00pm. I was really shocked when we went into lockdown because I didn't really think that there was going to be another case for a while but I was wrong.  

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

The 4 Different Shots!

In Te Ngahere  we have been learning about 4 different shots combined  into a movie. The shots that we were learning about are establishing shot, long shot, medium shot & close up. Establishing shot shows the setting a long shot shows the setting as well as the characters, the medium shot  shows you what the characters are doing, & the close up shows you what the characters are doing or what they see, in the close up you will see none of the setting. The thing my group did well was that we followed our plan correctly. I think we  could of made the words bigger at the end of the movie on the sticky note because it was hard to read. 

This will help me when  I am creating my movie because I will know what shot to use and how to use them. 

Do you know any different shots?


Friday, August 13, 2021

I am Hope!

 On the 10th of August we had a really special person from I Am Hope named Tai and Trent, Trent is Tai’s bodyguard that follows him everywhere to make sure he is safe. Tai came to talk about how his life changed from one incredible person named Elliot. He also came because he wanted to help young people understand Mental Health. If you don’t know what I Am Hope is it is a foundation that supports mental illnesses.  My favourite part about his speech was when he  started talking about the inner critic inside your head that says things to let you down, for example they don't like you. I learnt that an inner critic is a voice inside your head that makes you feel really bad. I will use what Tai told us to support other people to find there positive voice inside their head.  

Have you ever heard about and inner credict? Have you ever heard about I am Hope? 

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Science Fair

 At Paihia School we are having a science fair today, Te Ngahere has been doing science experiments to show the school and Nano Girl. My group is Breeze and Gail, Our science experiment is testing the absorbency of 2 & 3 ply toilet paper. Our hypothesis was that we thought 3 ply Quilton paper would absorb the most liquid and it did. I Learnt that an Independent variable meant a variable the will deliberately  change in you experiment. I also learnt  that a dependent variable means how you are going to measure your experiment. The last thing I learnt was that 3 ply toilet paper is just 3  1ply toilet paper stacked ontop of each other. It was hard to test the toilet paper because the first time we tested  we did it wrong. The reason we did it wrong was because we had the toilet paper sitting on top of a jar and it kept dripping through the toilet paper. So we tested again and this time we dropped 45 drops of food coloring onto a plastic plate  then put the toilet paper on the liquid and waited ten seconds to take it off, this time it did work. The easy part was setting up the board because all I had to do was glue the paper on the board. 

I think next time we could off used 2 3 ply toilet paper because we used 2 2 ply toilet paper so it wasn’t very fair using 2 2 ply and only using 1 3 ply. I think that I used the hoe of Tu maia because I never gave up and I kept going even when it was challenging. 

Have you ever been in a science fair? 

Dot Plot

 In Te Ngahere we have been learning to analyze and make dot plots in maths. 

I learnt that a Dot Plot was actually a graph and not just a group of dots combined together.  I also learnt how to put data on a dot plot. The last thing I  learnt was what  range ment, range means  one place to another for example you have your lowest number 3 and your highest number 19 you subtract 3 from 19 which would be 16, so that's another thing I learnt. We had to make a DLO to show and explain our evidence, the thing that was wrong in my DLO is that I had to re check the true and false questions that had at least in them because I wasn’t quite sure what the questions meant by at least. I thought that when it said at least in the true and false question I thought it meant the same amount of people threw ten meters from each class, so I asked someone to explain to me what it meant and I found out that it meant the people who through ten or more meters. I think in my DLO I could of explained the true and false questions a lot more better and clearer because they weren't that clear for the audience to understand. 

It was hard to explain the true and false questions that had at least in it because I didn’t understand what it ment but now I do because I asked my friend for some help. The easy part was making the dot plot because all you had to do was roll lines and then put the right data on it to show what room 2’s class throws looked like. 

Do you know what a Dot Plot is ?

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

The Great Marble Challenge Take 2

 Welcome back to my blogging, today I am going to be talking about The Great Marble Challenge Take 2. On the last day of school we redid the marble challenge to give everyone another chance to beat their last score. We were allowed to modify our last ramp or we could build a whole new ramp for the challenge. 

My group decided not to build a new ramp but instead we modified our old ramp to give it another chance. We changed what we were holding the ramp with and we changed it to a small box. It was hard to try and modify it in a small amount of time but in the end we were still able to complete modifying the ramp in time for the marble challenge take 2. When it was challenge day I was really worried because we thought we lost are marble but luckily it was still in my chromebook case. When it was are turn to have are marble ramp tested I wasn’t even able to watch because I felt like I had butterflies in my stomach. My team and I got 39 point last time we only got 11 points so to me it was a really good improvement. 

Have you ever been in a marble challenge before?

Monday, July 5, 2021

Mosaic QR Code Art

 In Te Ngahere we have been making QR codes to put on our classroom window for people to look at and find out more about our Ngahere. We did this to show and teach other people about our Ngahere and how to protect our Ngahere.  We are also putting our mosaic art on the black front wall in our class.

It has been hard for me to do this mosaic art but I am still trying to finish my Gold Striped Gecko because I have a lot of faith in myself. I found making the video for my QR code easy because I was not making little shapes into mosaic art when I made my video. My favorite part about making this is being able to teach others about our Ngahere.  

Have you ever seen a QR code before?

Friday, July 2, 2021

The Great Mystery Of The Marble Challenge!

 For the last few weeks we have been learning to construct  marble ramps. We had to  invent ramps with the materials you could find.  We were aloud to choose groups of 2-3.  We are trying  to get the marble 110cm or 1.1cm away from the end of the ramp. The reason we did this is because we are having a science fair project coming up soon so we used the challenge to prepare for it.

When it was competition day we were not allowed to touch our ramps in fact we weren't allowed to use are own ramp we had to use other peoples ramps. We also had to create clear instructions for the people who is using your ramp.  One of our variables we changed to our ramp way the height of the ramp so it didn’t go to fast or too slow.  It was hard to make the ramp because we thought of too many designs and couldn’t choose which one to pick. one The easy part was thinking of designs because we had already thought of a lot.

Have you ever done a marble challenge ? 

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Bay Of Islands Science Roadshow.

 On the 21st of June Te Ngahere  went to Bay of Islands College to go to the science roadshow. Once we got there they put on a quick show to explain some of the things we would see there. I learnt that gases cover more area that fluids do and I thought that liquid covered more area but I was wrong.

My favourite exhibit would have to be the honey tasting one because they got you to see which honey it was, so I had to use my taste buds to figure it out. The thing that I learnt from the science roadshow  that will help me with my science fair project is that I will only choose one variable to change at a time so I know if it helped or didn't help. I really enjoyed experimenting all the different exhibits because they were all so unique and very different.

Have you ever been to a science roadshow? If you have what was your favorite exhibit?

Facts About The Scientific Methods

 For the last few weeks we have been learning about the scientific method. 

We did this  to understand a new process and apply this new learning to other contexts.

The scientific method is when you follow scientific steps which are 1 ask a question,  2  gather your information, 3 make a hypothesis, 4 experiment your hypothesis, 5 analyze your test results, 6 modify your answer, 7 come up with a conclusion and  8 retest your results. 

This will help me in the future when we do a science fair because  it will be easier because I know the scientific method. I think That I made the infographic really well because I added matching images.

I think that I could try make my infographic a little bit more detailed. 

Have you heard of the scientific method? 

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Mosaic Art That Will Blow Your Mind

 Kia ora this week in Te Ngahere we learnt how to make mosaic art. 

To make mosaic art you need to find a image then insert the image to a google drawing. The next step is to fill the image with little shapes the last thing you need to do is color that shapes. 

We did this because when we have our QR codes for the classroom we wanted to have matching mosaic art to be next to it. 

The thing I did well was creating little and some big sized shapes in my mosaic art using the polyline tool. The thing I could do better is to not make as big shapes as I did because I made very big shapes and you are suppose to use medium or small shapes. 

  The hard thing was deciding what I should do for my mosaic art because I kept changing my mosaic art . The easy thing was to make the shapes. Have you ever made mosaic art before?

I haven't finished but this is what I have done so far

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

The Most Interesting Animation I have Ever Seen

 for the past few weeks in Te Ngahere we have been learning to enhance our writing to create a powerful image  and emotional response for our audience.

We watched a short animation called Wings then we had to write a scene from the story. I used thesaurus to make my word and phrases more powerful and emotional so that people would get images in their minds  and feel emotional when they read my writing. 

I found it hard to make a story because I didn’t know how to start the story but in the end I still did it. The easy thing was to make my story better when I got the feedback because they told me how I could Improve my writing. 

These are the language features I added in my writing verbs, concrete nouns, abstract nouns and vivid adjectives.

Have you watched the animation wing? 

Here Is the link to the video we watched.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

This Is What Happen's When Your Not Safe Online

 This week in Te Ngahere we have been learning how to be safe online because if we aren't safe online something bad could happen. We watched a video about a girl who uses social media to post photos and a description about herself . She also put a sign in front of her house because she wanted to be just like her big sister. We had to make DLO’s about having safe relationships online. 

This has also taught me when you parents say don’t talk to strangers they don’t just mean in real life the mean on social media because some person could say they are  a 15 year old person and they might actually be 37.

It was easy to make the DLO because I was working with buddies and I also knew what I was doing. 

Are you smart online?

Friday, June 4, 2021

The One And Only Apple Sponge That Will Make Your Taste Buds Disappear

 On the 1st of June the year 7’s and 8’s went to technology the year 8’s are making waka with Mr E and the year 7’s were making Apple Sponge with Whaea Dot.  The first step was to peel the apple then we had to core the apple and cut it up.The next step was to put the sliced apple in a pot with water then cook the apples.

To make the sponge we had to put 8 tablespoons of flour on a plate then we had to put ¾ teaspoon of baking powder on the flour.  The next thing we did was we melted 4 tablespoons of butter. Once we did that we put half of the flour and baking powder in the butter and mixed it until it was light and soft. Then we put vanilla essence into the mix. After lunch we put one egg and 4 tablespoons of milk into the mix. Then we cooked our apple sponge. When the apple sponge came out we had it with ice cream.

The hard thing for me was to follow all the instructions because we had to keep checking the apples as well.

My apple sponge tasted amazing.

Have you made apple sponge before?

Friday, May 21, 2021

The Most Delicious Potato Bake I Have Ever Done

 On Tuesday the 18 of May the year 7ś and 8ś went to technology. 

The year 8's were doing woodwork, they were making a waka and the year 7ś were doing cooking class. We made potato bake with extra cheesy sauce and I made it with my buddy Jade. 

To make the cheese sauce for the potatoes  we used capsican, tomato, broccoli, spinach, bacon, corn, onion and garlic. The first thing we did was chop the potatoes. Then we had to make the cheese sauce, which was hard because we didn't know when to take it off or how long to cook it but we  got some help from another group. 

Have you made potato bake before?

Friday, May 14, 2021

Sharing My Knowledge Of Goldstripe Geckos

 For the past few weeks in Te Ngahere we have been doing  a David Attenborough video because we wanted to teach other people about Animals and plants in the Ngahere . I have made a video about Goldstripe Gecko with my group Dezray and Amber, it took us a while but we still tried to get to the finish line and we are almost there. We had to find its scientific name which is Holodactylus Chrysosireticus. We also had to find where it lives or grows, what it eat or requires to grow, a physical description etc.

It was hard to find the information I needed because Google didn't have all of the information I was looking for. 

The easy part was to make a DLO about the other easy part was to pick what animal or plant to pick.

Have you made a David Attenborough video? 

The Best Drawing I have Ever Done

 This week in Te Ngahere we made a drawing of the marine life underwater using Google drawings we did this to help us learn more about Google drawings and how to use it.

 I made my underwater marine life using shapes and lines. I made my fish with circles and triangles I made my coral with lighting shapes, I  made jellyfish with stretched out circles and a chord the last thing I made was a turtle using a chord, a big  circle and lines. 

The hard thing was trying to find the right shapes to use because I wanted it to look really good with the correct shapes for example having a fish made out of a triangle.  The easy thing was finding the right colors. 

The other easy thing was making the coral because all I had to do was copy and paste the shape util it covers the bottom of the page.

Have you ever made a fish drawing before?


Friday, May 7, 2021

The Most Delicious Cooking I Have Ever Done !

 On Tuesday May the 5th the year 7’s and 8’s went to Technology. The year seven’s were doing cooking class and the year eights were doing woodworks. 

I was in cooking class with Whaea Dot because last term we were with Mr Edwards. We were sitting in pairs in our own units my pair was Tiana but we got to make are own pizza because there were only 9 of us.

 I thought it was easy because I listened to the instructions carefully. The other easy thing was measuring the flour, sugar and water. The hard thing was trying to keep everything tidy well cooking.

 Ebony and I both added all of the ingredients on our pizzas, I added capisican, onion, tomato, mushroom, pineapple, garlic, spinach, oregano bacon, cheese and tomato pasta sauce . We used flour, sugar, yeast, milk powder, water and olive oil  to make the dough. 

When my Pizza came out of the oven I tasted  some and it tasted so amazing and so did Tiana's because we would keep eating each others.

Have you made homemade pizza before and if you have what did you add?

This Is What Happens When You Don't Read Carefully

 This term in Te Waka Awhina/Te Ngahere  we started our day by doing a reading activity  about following directions. Our teacher Whaea Becks gave us a  sheet about  following directions carefully. The first instruction was to read the directions carefully before doing anything  but I didn’t listen and I didnt read the directions carefully,  I did the directions while I read them. I got up to direction  22 but when I read the 23rd direction I realized that it said to only do direction 1 and 2. The reason why we did this is to be able to read the directions carefully.

  I thought it was going to be easy but because I didn’t follow the 1st instruction I failed because I didn't read it carefully. It was still fun but when I reread the instruction 23 I realized that I made a mistake.

Have you ever done a reading test about following directions?

Friday, April 9, 2021

The Facts About Coastal Seas

 This week in Te Ngahere we have been learning about coastal seas and about the marine life that lives in them. We watched an episode of Our Planet coastal seas  on Netflix and recorded ten or more facts that we found out. Then we had to record the facts on a Google slide.

For me it was hard because I was distracted watching the video instead of writing them down but then I started to right the facts down so I could make the Google slide. The easy thing way copying the facts onto the Google slide then fixing them up and the other easy thing was to add pictures to show what the marine life look like.  I learnt that the

Have you watched Our Planet? Do you know anything about coastal seas? Did you know that otters eat food to keep warm?

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Why You Shouldn’t Use Place Value For Subtraction

 This week in Te Ngahere  we have been learning how to solve word problems in Mathematics. When you are doing maths I would recommend not using  place value partitioning for subtraction, because it can be really hard to  solve subtraction using place value for example if you had 732-521 you wouldn’t be able to take the 30 from the 20 because 30 is a higher number than 20 and you wouldn’t be able to take the 2 from the 1. I would recommend using the number line instead. 

For me it was hard to use place value for subtraction problems but the easy part way to use place value for addition, The second hard thing was when I way trying to figure out with some of the question if they were subtraction or addition. 

What strategy would you use to solve subtraction problems?

Friday, March 26, 2021

What do you think About My Task Masters Blog Post

 In Te Ngahere we have been learning how to    collaborate  with our learning groups by doing a team building task copy the picture. We had one person drawing and the other person had to go outside and look at the picture and tell the drawer what the picture is and where to put it.  The rules were if your the person who is running, you are not allowed to touch the paper and if you are the drawer you are not aloud to get of your chair and look at the picture.For me it was hard to do it because it was really confusing with my group telling me where to put the picture  and what colour to use without touching the paper. The most challenging  part being the drawer was not being able to understand what the runner is saying and the challenging part about being the runner was the drawer not understanding where to put the picture  and what colour to use. We didn’t finish our drawing because we weren’t understanding each other properly. Have you ever done the task copy the picture?

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Freaky Friday Tsunami

    Last week on Friday there was a tsunami drill  lucky it didn’t hit the beaches, I wasn’t at school on Friday but my brother was and he told me that it was scary because he called see surges in the water. I was at home on Friday and I wasn’t allowed outside which was sad but instead I watched the news to see what happened outside.  If I went to school I would of had to evacuate the school with everyone else and run up a big hill to be safe from the tsunami if it did hit the beaches. It would of been hard to walk up the hill because it is a tall hill. When I was at home it wasn’t hard because we didn’t have to do anything but I was scared for everyone who was near the beaches because it is a really scary thing to be near a tsunami. The tsunami was caused by  two earthquakes off the coast of Gibson and one of the earthquakes was a bit higher than the two other ones. What will you do if you were stuck in a tsunami drill?

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Mind Blowing Facts About Roy Lichtenstein


 This year in Te Ngahere we have been learning about Roy lichtenstein he was a famous pop artist in the 1950s and he used the Ben Day dot technique. We are using his technique of Ben Day dots for our own self portraits.

 It was a little hard to find important facts about him because there were so many  facts to choose from  but it was easier to find images of his paintings to show people what the picture looked like.  

Did you know that Roy lichtenstein has a mural in the Times Square Subway Station?