
Wednesday, July 28, 2021

The Great Marble Challenge Take 2

 Welcome back to my blogging, today I am going to be talking about The Great Marble Challenge Take 2. On the last day of school we redid the marble challenge to give everyone another chance to beat their last score. We were allowed to modify our last ramp or we could build a whole new ramp for the challenge. 

My group decided not to build a new ramp but instead we modified our old ramp to give it another chance. We changed what we were holding the ramp with and we changed it to a small box. It was hard to try and modify it in a small amount of time but in the end we were still able to complete modifying the ramp in time for the marble challenge take 2. When it was challenge day I was really worried because we thought we lost are marble but luckily it was still in my chromebook case. When it was are turn to have are marble ramp tested I wasn’t even able to watch because I felt like I had butterflies in my stomach. My team and I got 39 point last time we only got 11 points so to me it was a really good improvement. 

Have you ever been in a marble challenge before?

Monday, July 5, 2021

Mosaic QR Code Art

 In Te Ngahere we have been making QR codes to put on our classroom window for people to look at and find out more about our Ngahere. We did this to show and teach other people about our Ngahere and how to protect our Ngahere.  We are also putting our mosaic art on the black front wall in our class.

It has been hard for me to do this mosaic art but I am still trying to finish my Gold Striped Gecko because I have a lot of faith in myself. I found making the video for my QR code easy because I was not making little shapes into mosaic art when I made my video. My favorite part about making this is being able to teach others about our Ngahere.  

Have you ever seen a QR code before?

Friday, July 2, 2021

The Great Mystery Of The Marble Challenge!

 For the last few weeks we have been learning to construct  marble ramps. We had to  invent ramps with the materials you could find.  We were aloud to choose groups of 2-3.  We are trying  to get the marble 110cm or 1.1cm away from the end of the ramp. The reason we did this is because we are having a science fair project coming up soon so we used the challenge to prepare for it.

When it was competition day we were not allowed to touch our ramps in fact we weren't allowed to use are own ramp we had to use other peoples ramps. We also had to create clear instructions for the people who is using your ramp.  One of our variables we changed to our ramp way the height of the ramp so it didn’t go to fast or too slow.  It was hard to make the ramp because we thought of too many designs and couldn’t choose which one to pick. one The easy part was thinking of designs because we had already thought of a lot.

Have you ever done a marble challenge ?